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Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get the full experience of all of our gaming. We might only have 10 subscribers, but with your sub. we can have all the more gaming expierience.

We have all sorts of games coming up such as: Battlefront (Star Wars Edition), Battlefield 1, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Deluxe Edition. Comment and give us some feed back on our videos. That lets Us know that you guys are watching and supporting us on our channel. Copy this URL to go to channel so you can subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCacmirBRVyHLpFzbub7T1cA. Enjoy.

If you have an Xbox and would like to send us a friend invite with us our name is caged coder. That is only for xbox, we are sorry for ps4 players that would like to speak/play with us.

